Day 2: Terraform States and Working

Day 2: Terraform States and Working

In our journey of learning Terraform, we have covered the basics of installation, initialization, and configuration. Now, let's dive deeper into Terraform states and understand their importance in infrastructure management.

Creating a Terraform Variable

To make our Terraform code more flexible and reusable, we can define variables. In your project directory, open the file using the Vim editor and define the required variables.


Initializing Terraform

After defining the variables, we need to initialize the Terraform project. Run the following command:

terraform init

Validating the Configuration

To ensure the correctness of our Terraform configuration, we can validate it by running the following command:

terraform validate

Planning the Infrastructure

Next, we can generate an execution plan to preview the changes that Terraform will make to our infrastructure. Use the following command:

terraform plan

Applying the Changes

Once we are satisfied with the plan, we can apply it to create or modify our infrastructure. Execute the following command:

terraform apply

Now, you will notice that Terraform automatically creates the devops_test.txt file. You can verify this by using the ls and cat commands.

Managing Variables with Separate File

To avoid directly modifying the file, it's a good practice to define variables in a separate file. Create a new file called and define the required variables in it.


Updating the Configuration

Update the file to call the variables defined in the file. This way, we can easily modify the variables without touching the main file.

Terraform Plan and Apply

After updating the configuration, we can generate a new plan and apply the changes using the following commands:

terraform plan

terraform apply

Understanding Data Types in Terraform

Terraform supports various data types that allow us to define and manipulate values within our configuration. Let's explore some common data types.


Update the variables file with the required data type, such as a list.

Utilizing the List

Call the list variable in the file and incorporate it into the infrastructure configuration.

terraform plan

You will observe that Terraform recognizes the changes and provides a plan that includes destroying files and renaming the file.

Terraform State

Terraform state is a critical aspect of managing infrastructure with Terraform. It serves as a snapshot of the infrastructure's configuration and tracks the current state of resources.

Key Highlights of Terraform State:

  1. State File: Terraform stores resource information in a state file, typically named terraform.tfstate. It captures attributes and metadata of managed resources.

  2. Resource Tracking: The state file tracks details like resource IDs, attributes, dependencies, and relationships established by Terraform.

  3. Synchronization: Terraform utilizes the state file to understand the desired state defined in configuration files and compares it with the current state. It determines the necessary actions to achieve the desired state.

  4. State Locking: To prevent conflicts when multiple users work on the same Terraform configuration, state locking mechanisms ensure only one user can modify the state at a time.

  5. Collaboration and Remote Storage: Terraform state can be stored remotely, enabling team collaboration in infrastructure management. Remote backends like AWS S3 or HashiCorp Terraform Cloud provide secure storage and collaboration capabilities.

  6. State Management: Terraform provides commands like terraform init for state initialization,

terraform plan for comparing desired and current state, and terraform apply for making necessary changes to achieve the desired state.

Understanding and managing Terraform state is crucial for maintaining infrastructure consistency, tracking resource changes, and enabling collaboration among team members.

Stay tuned for more exciting learnings on our Terraform journey!

#Terraform #InfrastructureAsCode #DevOps #LearningTerraform #HCL